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Donation by the Corporation Contribution Program

Posted by Stepio On 11:30 PM


DONATION by the Corporation Contribution Program

STEPIO solicits contributions from parents, friends, companies and alumni to maintain the high level of its training programs and to update its administrative provisions.

The Corporate Contribution Program allows free attendance of the training program to be granted to the students whose foreign parents are employed by the companies or organizations that participate in this Corporate Contribution Program.

Your country's tax authorities always exempt these donations from taxation as personal income in your country. It is an exemption in Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, USA and many European countries.

STEPIO shall decide corporate contribution requests after considering the company's business nature, number of employees, the size of the company, and past giving history. The contribution request shall be made without regard to the number of children of employees of individual corporations enrolled at the STEPIO Camps. 

Free attendance shall be granted to children of expatriate employees whose companies donate an amount equal to or more than the requested units of contribution.

Companies and organizations may participate in this Corporate Contribution Program under the following conditions :

  • Contributions are made in amount agreed. 
  • Participation should be for a two-year period. 
  • Contributions made are subject to the regular contributions limitations in your country's corporate tax law.
  • A complete analysis can only be made by those most familiar with the tax status, the corporate allowance program and the organization of your company.

Those who wish to participate in this Corporate Contribution Program should send us email at stepio.camp@gmail.com for details.


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